(Editor’s note: This is the second installment in a week-long series featuring the lead performers and cast of Tyrone Area School District’s ‘The Wiz.’ The show is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, April 2-3 at the Tyrone High School auditorium.)
Second to be introduced in the spotlight on the lead characters of The Wiz is Tyrone Area High School senior Cody Jones.
Cody is involved with National Honor Society, Tri M music Honors Society, treasurer of Key Club, four year member of POPS Extension, black belt in the martial arts, Tyrone’s golf team, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, his band Zion’s Gate, DelGrosso for Congress campaign, Big Brother’s program, Diversity Club and church praise band.
His past show experience includes Constable Lockie in The Music Man and Judah in last year’s musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He also was a merry man in the Tyrone Community Players’ production of Sherwood, Joseph in The Journey and several other church musicals.
Cody’s future plans after graduation from TASD include attending the Pennsylvania State University, majoring in film and video while pursuing a career in music and entertainment. He plans to attend graduate school at the New York Film Academy in New York City.
When asked to comment on his participation in The Wiz, Cody said, “I have enjoyed working with this cast more than any other show I have ever been involved with.
The five of us, Scarecrow, Lion, Tinman, Dorothy and Wiz, have such great chemistry on stage. We truly have the time of our lives every night working together.”
The community is invited to come out on Friday, April 2 or Saturday, April 3 to be enchanted by The Wiz. Ticket reservations can be made by calling 684-4240, extension 3700.