Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Officials from Reliance Bank presented a check for $4,500 yesterday to the Tyrone-Snyder Library.
Reliance officials said they were happy to support the library in its quest to build a more modern and user-friendly library for Tyrone and surrounding townships.
On hand for yesterday’s presentation were: Bill Ellenberger, who serves on the library board as the director of development; Lynne Nearhoof, the library director; and two officials from Reliance Bank.
Cathy Igou of the Tyrone branch and Christopher Kirwin, a vice president of community banking at the bank’s Altoona office, made the presentation of the check to library officials.
Reliance emphasized its dedication and support of its business partners in new release to The Daily Herald regarding the contribution to the library.
An official ceremony was held at the new library on Pennsylvania Avenue and Tenth Street.
The money will help defray costs of the giant project occurring in downtown Tyrone now.
When completed, and library officials are anxiously hoping for an early April opening, the northern end of Blair County will have a state-of-the-art library facility.
Chuck Banas, the library board’s vice president, said there is no grand opening date set as of yet, but noted he would publicly note when the doors will open.
Over the past couple of yeasr, library officials and volunteers have feverishly worked to raise more than $400,000 to offset the costs of the near $700,000 project. Just recently, the board of officials secured a low-interest mortgage loan to finish paying the costs associated with the new building.
Now, the fundraising efforts will continue as officials brace for the third-ever concert fundraiser at the Tyrone High School auditorium. On April 17, the library board has invited 1960s sensation ‘The Vogues’, comedian/magician Robbie Wise and 10-year-old singing sensation Vanessa Campagna to perform at the high school. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at numerous area retail outlets as well as from any library board member.

By Rick