Tyrone Mayor Patricia Stoner believes the proposed downtown motel could be a reality by next spring if everything falls into place soon for a project she’s worked on for several years.
“If we land the deal, it’s likely the motel could be a reality by next spring,” said Stoner. “Work on the exterior can be done right up until winter and then interior work can be done during the winter months. I can see it being a reality in 2005.”
The mayor indicated there is no commitment as of yet, but plans are moving forward on many fronts including a scheduled meeting with the Altoona Blair County Development Corporation. ABCD is being looked to by the borough for assistance in attracting a motel to Tyrone’s downtown area.
Stoner is also seeking support from Governor Ed Rendell through written correspondence and by providing photographs and other documentation.
“I’ve written a personal letter to the governor asking for his support,” Stoner told The Daily Herald. “I’ve also asked the county commissioners and State Senator Robert Jubelirer along with Congressmen Shuster and state representatives Jerry Stern and Larry Sather to write to the governor seeking his support on the project.”
The mayor indicated she has been working with at least two developers, including one from the State College area, to obtain the land and properties necessary for the site. The mayor said a facilitator is being used to help complete the deal which is typically the case in today’s business world.
“This will obviously provide jobs and be a boost to our economy,” said Stoner. When asked how many jobs, the mayor indicated she thought the motel might employ about 50 or 60 people.
She also believes the real benefit to the borough’s business climate will be the people coming into town to stay at the motel. She also indicated the process is still in such a preliminary stage she couldn’t offer an estimate in dollar amounts as to how much the project would mean to Tyrone’s economy.
Mayor Stoner noted one other recent development which she felt could aid the project.
“I think the recent classification by (the Department of Community and Economic Development) of the borough as a low-to-moderate income community can only help us with funding,” said Stoner.
Last week, the mayor and other borough officials traveled to Harrisburg to dispute United States Census figures which showed Tyrone was a moderate-to-high income community.
months of compiling statistics, the borough was able to prove to DCED it was in the low-to-moderate category therefore making it eligible for CDBG money and possibly in the running for other types of available funding.
The mayor stressed the key to landing the deal would be putting in place the proper economic package. The borough will use the expertise of ABCD for help in putting together a financial and development plan which would be attractive enough to make the motel a reality.
Stoner has been attempting to negotiate a motel deal since the late 1990s but a previous proposal went by the wayside when certain requirements regarding the project’s location made it too costly for the motel to become a reality.
The mayor was unable to reveal the companies currently involved in talks with the borough so as not to jeopardized the project.