Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

It’s tax time again!
With that in mind, Blair Senior Services will once again be offering the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) for older, low-income individuals in Blair County.
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program will be coordinating VITA, and trained volunteers will be available at fourteen sites throughout the county to help prepare federal, state and local income tax returns beginning February 3.
VITA is designed to assist individuals with basic returns who would be financially burdened by the fees required for the services of a tax preparation professional.
“Basically, it’s volunteers trained in specific areas to help low-income individuals,” said Blair Senior Services director of development, Robin Beck.
Volunteers are unable to assist individuals who have high incomes, operate businesses, sell property or have significant dividend income and capital gains.
For those living in the Bellwood-Antis area, the Bellwood Library located at 526 Main Street will act as the 2004 VITA site. Starting February 3 through April 13, the library will be open from 1-3 p.m. on Tuesdays for those interested in the program. An appointment is not necessary, and walk-ins are welcome.
Also, for those living in the Tyrone area, the Tyrone Senior Center located at 505 W. Third Street will act as the 2004 VITA site. Starting February 5 through April 8, the Tyrone Senior Center will be open from 1-3 p.m. on Thursdays for those interested in the program. An appointment is not necessary, and walk-ins are welcome.
Individuals need to bring to the VITA site: copies of their W-2, 1099 Forms, property tax receipts and any other pertinent material with them. Also, if individuals have a copy of their return from last year, bring that as well.
According to Beck, 1,500 federal, state and local income tax returns were completed through the VITA Program last year in Blair County. She also said the program has been offered to older adults for over 25 years.
If anyone is interested in becoming a trained volunteer for the VITA program, contact Blair Senior Services.
Beck said they are always recruiting for new volunteers for the program and that interested individuals do not need a strong background in finance. Volunteers will receive training by the IRS.
If anyone would like to find out the location of more VITA sites throughout Blair County, or if anyone would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer for the program, contact Blair Senior Services representative Maureen Adams at 946-1235.

By Rick