“I can’t say one business is the key; I do believe the key is many businesses,” said acting executive director Rose Black of the Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce.
Black made the statement when asked to comment on economic progress being made in the community.
“I do believe the Tyrone area is really on a positive upswing. With all the new businesses we gained in 2003, the old businesses that have remained and the new growth now in progress, our storefronts are starting to fill with variety,” Black told The Daily Herald.
“The flow of traffic is starting to pick up as you can park and walk from one store to another. We all need to be very thankful to the individuals who have extended themselves and put in long hard hours to offer us convenient personal service.
“I think it is very exciting to receive the many calls of people looking or interested in Tyrone to live, open a business, industry or just visit. We are no longer a secret,” exclaimed Black.
Here are some of the Chamber highlights Black noted for the year 2003:
•increased membership by 39 members;
•visited Harrisburg and other facilities with political leaders in regard to the Pennsylvania malpractice insurance issues;
•hosted a joint “Business After Hours with the Blair County Chamber at Tyrone Hospital;
•combined efforts with Gardner’s Candies to promote tourism and increase traffic downtown;
•added the fourth edition to the Hometown Collectibles “The Villa” to preserve memories and the nostalgia of Tyrone;
•also made available very attractive embroidered Tyrone hats, T-shirts and sweatshirts;
•sponsored the Community Picnic, the Classic Golf Tournament, Business Expo, Yuletyme Parade and Train Ride and Breakfast with Santa; and
•promoted Chamber gift certificates to support local businesses and increase traffic.
The Chamber also joined forces with the reorganized Merchants/Retail Association and the Tyrone Community Partnership to work together according to Black.
“Our doors are always open and we are here to help any individual with our services,” said the Chamber executive director.
Chamber President Jim Phillips was particularly pleased with the networking opportunities offered through the Chamber.
“We have seen a growth in numbers (of people in attendance) at our monthly breakfasts and business after hours,” said Phillips.
He also cited some of the other Chamber accomplishments in addition to the ones mentioned above, including the Christmas lighting funding and workshops on business expansion and recruitment held in conjunction with ABCD (Altoona Blair County Development).
“It was a good year. We have seen growth and expect to see continued growth,” said Phillips.
“Tyrone is showing promise with the eventual completion of the I-99 expansion and the re-opening of the paper mill.”
When asked about the possibility of a downtown hotel or motel, Phillips said it would be a boost as it would encourage people to stop and spend money in town.
Phillips expects to see an encouraging year in 2004 with the continuation of the monthly networking opportunities and the yearly business Expo held by the chamber.
Last year’s springtime event drew about 18 to 20 businesses. The date of this year’s event is still being decided according to Phillips.