Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

PENNDOT District Nine is once again sponsoring Red-Out day today.
Employees are wearing articles of red clothing to show their support for the event which is designed to remind drivers to buckle up, drive safely and in a sober manner.
The goal is reduce tragedies caused by impaired and unsafe drivers during the holidays. The color red represents life, energy and the holiday spirit.
“Red-Out Day is important because it is a way to remind motorists to drive safely and obey traffic laws,” said PENNDOT District Executive Ron Samuel. “Too many drivers disregard the laws, causing unnecessary tragedies on Pennsylvania’s highways.”
According to data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic crashes are the leading cause of death and injury among people between the ages of five and 32. NHTSA estimates that more than 44,000 people die in traffic crashes and millions more become injured each year.
“PENNDOT wants to get the message out to all motorists that traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility. It is our hope that all motorists will stay focused on their driving, will remain aware of their surroundings and will take travel seriously to ensure a happy holiday season,” said Samuel in a statement released to The Daily Herald.
PENNDOT offers the following safety tips for motorists:
•don’t drink and drive. Remember, impairment begins with the first drink. Use a designated driver or call a taxi if you have been drinking.
•make every ride a safe ride. Buckle up every time you get in the vehicle. A seat belt is your best defense against a drunk driver.
•take the keys….friend don’t let friends drunk.
•turn on your headlights to increase your visibility to other motorists. It is important to turn your headlights on at dusk or in rainy or snowy conditions.
•avoid confrontation. If another driver does something that angers you, do not retaliate. Try to get the vehicle’s license plate number, write down a description of the vehicle and contact the police.
PENNDOT District Nine serves Blair and surrounding counties and is participating in Red-Out Day with other PENNDOT districts in the state.

By Rick