Tyrone Borough residents could see an increase in sewer rates next year.
Earlier this week, the borough passed a tentative budget pending revisions that were approved by council. The council did not act on issues regarding sewer or water rates at the meeting. Instead, the Tyrone Borough Authority is expected to meet next month to review sewer and water rates, and residents can expect to see a sewer rate increase with water rates remaining the same.
Tyrone Borough’s tentative budget proposed no tax increase. Currently, the real estate assessment stands at 29 mills. Instead of a tax increase, the council decided on various cuts and increased service fees and fines to work toward a balanced budget.
The budget was left with a $27,700 deficit and council decided to use money from capital reserves to balance the budget. The budget process will continue with the tentative budget going on public display by Monday. The council will then have to pass the budget prior to Dec. 15, most likely on Dec. 1 or Dec. 8.
The returning members of council also agreed to forego their pay in 2004. In coming council member Bill Fink’s salary was left in the budget since he was not able to vote on the issue as he is not yet seating on the governing body.
The sewer budget is projected to have a $139,000 deficit for this year.
“The deficit will be absorbed through the cash reserve,” said Phyllis Garhart, director of administration for Tyrone.
Garhart said the municipal authority will need to address the issue of a sewer rate increase since the sewer budget has not been covering operating costs with revenues. The 2004 budget will have $1,884,000 for the sewer fund and $1,503,000 set aside for the water fund.
Garhart also highlighted major renovation projects that the borough has planned in the 2004 budget. These include $684,000 for street improvements. One of the major project will be the reconstruction project for Park Avenue.
Other expenditure highlights include:
•$470,000 for renovations at the municipal building’s roof and facade, other minor renovations to the building are budgeted at $30,000; and
•$200,000 for swimming pool improvements at Reservoir Park.
The borough has also earmarked just over $40,000 for an additional full-time police officer and $20,000 to replace an unmarked police vehicle.