The Kiwanis Club of Tyrone and the Tyrone Area Salvation Army are joining together for the annual coat and boot drive scheduled to begin Saturday, November 1 at the Kopp Drug Store parking lot from 10-2 p.m.
Infant, children, teen and adult gently-worn coats will be accepted. Also, the Kiwanis Club has added the item of gently-worn boots to be collected as well.
New hats and gloves will be accepted, and another item that can be dropped off during the drive are new toys for children. These new toys will be distributed by the Salvation Army throughout the Christmas season.
Healthy Alternatives is donating the use of a truck to collect the items that area residents drop off at the Kopp Drug parking lot on November 1.
Starting November 3, interested individuals can drop off used coats and boots, new hats, gloves and children’s toys to the old Dollar General Store located on 10th Street in Tyrone, Monday through Friday, from 9-3 p.m., until the end of December.
Individuals who are in need of a coat should also stop at the old Dollar General Store.
Major Karen Garrett of the Salvation Army said that since the weather is getting colder, many people need coats. Since the Dollar General Store is in a central location in town, it is easy for someone to stop by and pick up a coat.
She also said if someone needs a coat, one will be provided for that person, with no questions asked, and at no cost.
Along with the coat and boot drive, there are many upcoming events for the Tyrone Area Salvation Army.
Individuals filling out Christmas applications for food and toys need to call the Salvation Army for an appointment time. The application dates and times are scheduled for November 3-7 and 10-14 from 9 a.m. to noon.
For those interested in making donations to the Salvation Army, Major Garrett plans on having the kettles out by mid-November.
A Thanksgiving dinner is being scheduled at the Salvation Army as well. This will be the second year that teens from Joshua House will join with the Salvation Army in the preparation of the meal.
The rolling kettles are scheduled to appear once again in the Tyrone Christmas parade, along with the Christmas parade van. During this time, area residents can offer donations to the Salvation Army. At the same time during the parade, T.A.C.O. will be collecting canned goods.
Major Garrett said she uses these canned goods as a holiday reserve for people who come into the Salvation Army at the last minute and do not have anything for the Christmas season.
For more information about the coat and boot drive or about the holiday events at the Salvation Army, contact 684-0560.