Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

Tyrone council member Sharon Dannaway is seeking a second term on the governing body and believes that the current council is making progress and looking out for the future of Tyrone.
“I enjoy serving on council and working with the sitting council,” said Dannaway. “I was at the performance of the Altoona Community Theatre’s Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde and a statement in the play struck a chord with me. The only thing constant is change. When you have change, you have two choices. You can accept it or you can be progressive and work to make the best of the change. I believe that is what we have been doing with our work on council. We have been looking to the future. We are looking to get ready for when Interstate 99 gets finished. I want to be a part in seeing the progress we have started be completed.”
Many people in the Tyrone community complain that there are no businesses in Tyrone and there are fewer jobs. Dannaway feels that the council is addressing that.
“The KOEZ that was approved and the LERTA zone that we will be having a hearing on is important to our future,” said Dannaway. “The areas surrounding Tyrone are offering tax incentives to attract new business. Antis Township has the Ardie J. Dillen Industrial Park that has 15 years tax exempt status. Snyder Township has a KOZ at the Robert Jubelirer Industrial Park. If we don’t offer tax incentives, we won’t be able to compete with the economic development that is happening in northern Blair County. If we don’t step up and accept the challenge now, we will miss out.”
In a slowly recovering economy, Dannaway believes that the economic development of the borough is the biggest need for the community.
“We need to work on bringing more stores to the downtown,” said Dannaway. “We need to continue with the motel project that has been ongoing and we need to be working with industry that is interested in coming into Tyrone.”
Many people compare the tax rates of Tyrone and Snyder Township, but Dannaway says that isn’t a fair comparison.
“You really can’t compare Tyrone and Snyder Township,” said Dannaway. “We, at this point can’t expand our tax base. Tyrone also provides services that Snyder Township doesn’t such as police and fire protection. Tyrone provides many more services and that is the cause of the difference in taxes between the borough and the township.”
Dannaway is seeking her second term on the borough’s governing body.
“I would like to continue to serve,” said Dannaway. “We are working on many issues concerning the infra-structure of the borough. Park Avenue needs attention. We are working on a joint effort on the water and sewer line replacement on Washington Avenue. We will have to work with the gas company to complete that infra-structure project. We need to continue to work to get funding for the rehabilitation of homes for the elderly. People from outside of Tyrone are taking notice of the progress we have been making. They are impressed with the work that has been done. I want to continue to help make our little town in northern Blair County shine.”
Dannaway is on the Democratic ticket in the November election.

By Rick