A 1996 graduate of Tyrone Area High School, Heidi Cherry, has chosen to run a 26.2 mile marathon on behalf of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in Walt Disney World, Florida.
Cherry is the daughter of Eunice and Craig Cherry of Tyrone.
The purpose of the race is for each participating runner to raise $3,500 in pledges and donations. Seventy-five percent of that money goes directly to cancer research and programs.
“The run caught my attention because it raises money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society,” said Cherry of the reason she chose to participate in the marathon.
“I danced in ‘Thon (PSU dance marathon) and, it really does change the way you look at things. The kids there were undergoing treatments for cancer, or were in remission, and they were way happier than I am on a lot of days. They made you realize how much you take for granted in your day to day life. I admire their strength and courage, because I don’t know if I would be able to handle what they’re going through if I were put in their shoes.”
Cherry also said that each participating runner in this event trains and runs in honor of “patient heroes.” She said she is running in honor of the women in her family who have been diagnosed and survived cancer and in memory of those who were not able to beat the disease.
Since she is now living in Baltimore and employed as a hydraulic engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers, doing stream restoration, she is also running for a 12 year-old Baltimore boy named Justin Knight. He was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of six, and after three years of chemotherapy, his disease went into remission.
He has recently celebrated his third year of being leukemia free.
Some more statistics that Cherry shared is that last year, leukemia and other blood-related diseases struck more than 100,000 Americans, killing more than 57,000 people. Leukemia is the number one disease killer of children, and it also affects adults. In 1960 the survival rate of leukemia was four percent, but now it has reached over eighty percent because of continued research.
Cherry is focusing on training for the marathon, and the race is scheduled to take place in early January.
She is also preparing for a triathlon to sponsor the Maryland Coastal Bays Foundation.
She has also participated in other fund raising races in the past, including different 5K’s for charities, the PSU dance marathon and rode 30 and 60 mile bike courses for the MD Lung Association.
“Running a marathon is something that I never thought I would or could do,” added Cherry. “But I guess in the long run, if five-year-olds are smiling through chemo, I’m pretty sure that I’ll be able to run for a few hours.”
There is a web page for anyone interested in finding out more information about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at www.teamintraining.org
If anyone is interested in sending donations for the marathon, contact Cherry by October 15 by phone at 880-2261 or send her an email at psu_h2o_girl@hotmail.com