Former Tyrone police officer John Thomas is looking to unite the people of Tyrone as he seeks election to the Tyrone Borough Council.
“I have been around Tyrone councils since the 1950s,” said Thomas. “For years there haven’t been enough qualified candidates running. I want everyone involved in the workings of the borough government. I don’t believe in one person ruling and everyone following. I want to work together to improve Tyrone. I want to create an atmosphere at council that the people of Tyrone, young and old, can come and speak freely without fear of retribution. I want to eliminate the bitterness that prevails today. There is too much backstabbing and bitterness between the community and the council.”
With the hearing scheduled for the LERTA zone in October, Thomas feels that limited help for business is what the borough should be engaged in.
“I think there should be limits on what the borough does for business,” said Thomas. “I think what Antis Township did was too much. When you give 15 years of tax-free status, it is too much. If you give business a year or two of tax breaks to get them started that is good, but they have to knuckle down like every individual tax payer in Tyrone. We just can’t afford to give business a free ride. I would do what I can to help business, but the need for the tax base with the economy as it is today is too much to give extended tax breaks.”
The most important need for Tyrone is good paying jobs according to Thomas.
“We need good industry in Tyrone,” said Thomas. “The re-opening of the paper mill is a good first step. They are paying an average of $14 hourly plus benefits and that will be a big help in getting our people back to work. We need to try to approach and lure more high-tech industry to Tyrone. We need something that we can depend on for the future. We need to look at the computer industry. The paper mill is a gamble with the state of papermaking today. I would like to see something more high-tech locate here and provide stability for the future.”
Thomas doesn’t see tax-relief in the near future for Tyrone residents.
“I would like to help the working people of the borough,” said Thomas. “One thing that people need to realize is that when you give tax breaks to businesses, the working people of the community have to make up the difference.”
Thomas wants to unite the people of Tyrone as a member of council.
“I believe in looking people in the eye and challenging them,” said Thomas. “I am also the first person to say if I don’t know the answer to a question, but will also find the answer and get it to the person who asked. I want the people of Tyrone to work together to make our community better. I don’t remember any former police officers who have served on council. I know what the police department needs. We need someone on council that is willing to work with the police department and help them get them what they need. You can’t have a make shift police department when you are facing the issues of today.”
Thomas is on the Democratic ballot in the November election.