Fri. Jan 17th, 2025

Last evening members of the Kiwanis Club of Tyrone met at The Church of the Good Shepherd for the installation of the 2003-04 officers.
The audience was welcomed by 2002-03 president Pete Dutrow, and he also led the Pledge of Allegiance. The invocation for the evening was done by Chaplain Joan Smith of Epworth Manor.
Some general business was conducted before dinner, and Lieutenant Governor of Kiwanis Dick McClain was introduced as the special guest.
Entertainment for the evening was provided after dinner by vocalist Debbie Estright and pianist Susan Daly. Also, The Church of the Good Shepherd choir sang for the audience.
After the entertainment, Lieutenant Governor McClain led the installation of the 2003-04 officers and directors.
The 2003-04 officers and directors are: president, Tim Miller; president-elect, Bob Maser; secretary, Sallie Swenson; assistant secretary, Joan Smith; treasurer, George Stever; assistant treasurer, Jim Harpster and immediate past president, Pete Dutrow.
The directors for the class of 2004: are Carol Anderson and Karen Garrett; class of 2005 are Norm Huff and Chuck Banas and class of 2006 are Ivan Riggle and Larrie Derman.
Perfect attendance pins for 2002-03 were also presented to Norm Huff and Bob Maser, 13 years; George Stever, 10 years; Sallie Swenson and MaryAnn Volders, five years; Chuck Banas, Pete Dutrow, Karen Garrett and Jim Harpster, four years and Peggy Bonsell, three years.
Other special presentations also made the night more memorable as past president Pete Dutrow presented the president pin to Tim Miller. Also, Miller presented Dutrow with a past president pin and a special past president plaque.
After the installation of officers and special presentations, remarks were made by Lieutenant Governor McClain, past president Dutrow and president Miller. The evening ended with the benediction led by Major Karen Garrett of the Tyrone Salvation Army.
A special thank you was also made to the 2002-03 Kiwanis officers and directors for their year of service: president, Pete Dutrow; president-elect, Tim Miller; first vice president, Bob Maser; secretary, Sallie Swenson; assistant secretary Joan Smith; treasurer, George Stever; assistant treasurer, Jim Harpster and immediate past president, Chuck Banas.
Directors for the class of 2003, Ivan Riggle and Larrie Derman; class of 2004, Sallie Swenson and Karen Garrett and class of 2005, Norm Huff and Bob Maser.
The Tyrone Kiwanis Club also welcomed new members Tom Getz, Fred Miller and Luke Rhoades.

By Rick