Tyrone Borough Council approved resolution 2003-11 to join into a joint letter of intent with the Altoona Blair County Development Corporation in support of the expansion project of Kunzler in Snyder Township.
“Kunzler has plans to expand even more than was announced during the recent groundbreaking,” said borough engineer Ray Myers. “The current water system that we have to the plant would not be sufficient for the expansion. To fulfill the water needs of Kunzler, there is a need for an 8-inch water line. ABCD will write the grant application and if approved, the borough will receive the grant and provide the water line.”
The grant request will be for $165,800.
Following the approval of resolution 2003-11, borough council passed a motion 7-0 to give Mayor Pat Stoner signature power for the grant application. Stoner abstained from the vote.
Council also approved an extension of two weeks for the street resurfacing. The contractor for the project, Glenn O. Hawbaker, needs the extra time because of the inclement weather. The project is slated to begin this week and take two to four days.
In other council news:
•council approved a request for Gardners Candies to give free parking to people who will be taking the guided tours of the plant;
•accepted the completed Phase I of Streetscape from Laruk Builders;
•amended the waterline replacement project. The amendment will allow the borough to use the extra grant funds if any for a generator or other needs;
•accepted the resignation of Mark Frailey as a part-time police officer. Frailey recently resigned from the Tyrone School District as police chief and hasn’t worked for the borough in over a year. Frailey is under investigation for corruption of minors.
Council ajourned into a short executive session that was asked for by council member Jim Beckwith.
Tyrone Borough Council meets again Monday night at 7 p.m.