Looking for something to do for the entire family?
Then mark down the week of July 13th through 19th as Tyrone’s Emmanuel Baptist Church presents a full week of activities.
Every year a youth group from Orange Park, Fla., part of the Black Creek Baptist Association comes to Tyrone in the summer as part of a missions trip. While in town they take part in a full schedule of activities that is organized by the church and its pastor Chris Walls.
During the weeks morning hours children can participate in a kids club at the field next to Neptune Fire Hall. This bible school oriented program is open to kids from kindergarten to sixth grade. Also at a the field next to Neptune’s in the afternoon is a music camp for kids. They will learn songs on the kids club theme and then perform them on Thursday, July 17th.
On Sunday evening July 13th, a contemporary Christian concert will be held at City Hotel Park starting at 6 p.m. Featuring Emmanuel Baptist Churches praise band and the kids from Orange Park, Florida. The community is invited to bring their lawn chairs and be a part of the concert.
Another unique family night out takes place on Tuesday, July 15th in the M and T Bank parking lot on 10th Street in downtown Tyrone, between Joybeans Coffee Shop and Radio Shack. Family movie night will feature the popular computer animated motion picture involving a utility company and the monsters who generate power from children’s screams.
Due to copyright restrictions, the actual name of the movie can not be advertised. The movie will be shown on the wall of Joybeans with a special projector. Bring your kids and lawn chairs to enjoy this special evening.
The week’s big event, a family day block party will be held next to Neptune’s Fire Hall on Saturday afternoon July 19th from 4 until 8 p.m. This year’s block party has expanded and includes music from the churches praise band, and food including hot dogs, drinks, snow cones and cotton candy. Activities include a dunking booth, a moonwalk for the kids, sumo wrestling suits and more.
Pastor Chris Walls says the week long event is part of the churches mission statement.
“Helping people find hope through faith in Jesus Christ,” said Walls. “And showing the community that being a follower of Christ is a fun and unique experience.”
You’re invited to bring your family to any and all of the week long events. Emmanuel Baptist Church holds Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and services at 10:30 am at the Tyrone YMCA gymnasium.