Haven’t picked up that Easter flower for you mom, wife or girlfriend yet? Time is running short.
But for last minutes shoppers, there is a way out for you.
Beginning Friday and continuing through Sunday, Boy Scout Troop 300 and Cub Pack 300, both of Tyrone, are sponsoring their annual Easter flower sale in the parking lot of Kopp Drug in Tyrone.
“This fundraiser single-handily supports the troop for the entire year,” said Pete Kreckel, scoutmaster of Troop 300, noting the money raised will be used for purchasing merit badges, raising ranks of the boys in the troop and other such costs. “The boys raise their own money to support their camping trips and other outings.”
According to Kreckel, half of all the money raised will be donated to Cub Pack 300.
“Because they are younger, it’s just a little tougher for them to raise money,” said Kreckel. “We understand that Cub Scouting leads directly to Boy Scouting, so we try to keep things moving for both groups and keep the ranks healthy.”
The flower sale will begin at 9 a.m. both Friday and Saturday and close at 4 p.m. On Sunday, the sale will continue from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Kreckel said the flowers will be priced from and will include all the popular Easter favorites, including daffodils, mums, tulips and lillies.
“We’re really excited about the sale again this year,” said Kreckel.