Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Note to self: wait until it is 80 degrees out everyday before sleeping with the windows open. I am paying dearly for that mistake this weekend.
I would like to congratulate the local band Flight 19 for celebrating four years together. The band started as five guys who enjoyed playing together and they still do.
They play many fundraising functions and draw a crowd everytime they play. Congratulations Brian, Scott, Jim, Darren and John.
Things should get interesting in the ongoing debate between Tyrone Borough Council and the retired police officers. I may be wrong, but I compare the situation to the Pirates with Pat Meares. The former shortstop signed a guaranteed $17 million contract but was injured. Now the Pirates are paying him $4 million this year not to play baseball. The deal with the retired officers looks guaranteed as it is written.
Things between the borough and the retired officers probably would have gone better if they were asked to change insurance carriers, not told to. After talking with the council members after the meeting last night, the way this issue was handled, council believes it was handled wrong as well.
This afternoon, the Tyrone boys’ and girls’ track team will honor their graduating seniors. I want to thank these seniors for their hard work over the past few years and I have been very honored to work with you.
Be on the lookout for a few special tabs in upcoming editions of The Daily Herald. The Spring Home Improvement edition is coming soon. In May, the Tyrone Chamber Business Expo guide will hit newsstands plus our salute to the graduates of Tyrone and Bellwood-Antis high schools.
Even though I am under the weather, I can’t wait to break out the golf clubs. Anytime you can get out and chase the little white ball around, it is a good thing.
My condolences go to Kate, Brian and Breein Igou on the loss of their husband and father and the rest of the family. My heart is with you.
I thank you for reading The Daily Herald.
Enjoy your week and we will talk again soon.

By Rick