Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Even with the colder temperatures I really enjoyed the home opener of the Altoona Curve at the newly expanded Blair County Ballpark last night. I look forward to many a summer night or Sunday afternoon watching the future stars of the Pittsburgh Pirates. It was good to see the Strong’s in their regular seats. The Curve announced that the crowd was over 5000 paid, but less than half of that were in the park. Which leads to the question? We will dress warm to go watch a cold football game, but we don’t want to dress warm to go to an April baseball game.
Once again I’m ashamed at Tyrone Borough! Their people skills remind me of some companies that I worked for in the past. The reaction of the retired police officers change of insurance is normal considering how they found out. Why couldn’t the borough have called and set up a meeting to explain and discuss the change of insurance carriers? Sending a letter with an agree to it or forget it attitude is one more reason why people perceive that Tyrone borough wants to keep everything a big secret. No one would have known if one of the officers hadn’t come to our newspaper office. Once again we were doing our jobs of telling the public what they should already know when it comes to the business of this borough. And once again we are made out to be the bad guys. As I continue to push our reporters to uncover and dig for stories, I will continue to push them harder to look, listen and investigate every single thing this borough says and does. The Daily Herald is watching and will report on all the issues that are news worthy and those that effect the people of this community.
A recent letter to the editor suggested what I think is a great idea. What can be done if the Citizens Fire Social Hall is vacated by the fire department? The letter from Mr. Fink talked about the ways the borough could take over that building and put it to good use. Surely there are grants that could help with such a project. We should consider this and brainstorm ways that this or even another idea can work. I would hate to see a building that can host concerts, plays and other community events go to waste for offices or a storage facility. I hope that someone steps up on this concept soon. Someone with grant writing experience. Someone already in a power position. The Tyrone Community Center could have meeting rooms for different organizations, could be the new home of the Tyrone Community Players, could host a concert series each year featuring unique and different music, a local home and garden show, sportsman show or a bridal show, and could even have naming rights. The Daily Herald Tyrone Community Center as an example. Anything to help pay for the mortgage and utilities of a great assets to Tyrone. I welcome all of you to think and brainstorm some more on this positive idea. I do think its time to put another project out in front of Streetscape. Blah Blah, I’ve grown tired of hearing about Streetscape. Time now for a bigger and better idea. No, I didn’t think of the community center idea. It came from a citizen and a candidate for council. That shouldn’t stop the fact that its a great idea and should be spearheaded by the Mayor and the borough. And I’m hearing a rumor that the borough is thinking of putting some major money into the municipal building. Please think about this before just doing it. How could that money be better spent in town and could a portion go to utilizing the Citizens Fire Social Hall as this talked about community center.
I’m looking forward to being a part of my first Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo on Thursday, May 15 from noon until 7 p.m. at The Bull Pen. These type of events are a wonderful resource where area businesses all come together under one roof. It’s the perfect place to spend a few hours and see what all the great businesses truly offer. We will be there and will hand out extra copies of our Tyrone Historical Pictorial, our 2003 picture calendar and even old copies of the Tyrone centennial edition of our newspaper. You can stop by and say hi to us, meet our writers and even complain to us if you want too. And a special business Expo preview tabloid will be arriving in your Daily Herald on Saturday, May 10th highlighting all the businesses involved at this years Expo. If your business would like a booth, hurry, and call the Tyrone Chamber today.
I know I’m going to hear some incredible ideas from Gertrude Gunsallus. She resides at Tyrone Colonial Courtyard. Gertrude? I’m coming to see you soon to discuss the welcome to Tyrone sign on I-99 and other items concerning local news. I’m looking forward to it and thanks for responding to this column.
It was so great to hear Tyrone Chamber Executive Director Bonnie Patton’s voice this week telling me that she had returned to work. Bonnie is taking it slow and is in the office twenty hours a week to start. It is good to have her back while the chamber enters its busy season with the business Expo, annual dinner and more.
In closing this week it appears that our incredible armed forces have all but declared victory in the showdown with Saddam. If he isn’t dead, then he’s a coward for not being man enough to surrender. I’m proud of our men and women of the military in how they fought, died and handled the situation once we knew it was over. And on the broadcast journalism front, my hat goes off to Lester Holt of MSNBC and Fox News anchor Shepard Smith. Mr. Holt is like a machine, almost robotic in his ability to work very long hours and stay on the air. Smith throws some of his own emotions into his craft. His facial expressions follow suit with what he is reading at the time. Both of these men have done an incredible job of keeping us informed around the clock. God Bless America and the people of Iraq. Welcome to freedom as we know it. The freedom to have a say in your government, freedom to speak, and freedom to write columns like this.
Have a great weekend everyone.

By Rick