The Kiwanis Club of Tyrone is “thinking spring” with regard to the Sinking Valley Country Club.
The local service organization is making plans for their second annual Dick Dutrow Memorial Golf Tournament to be held in Sinking Valley on Friday, May 16.
Kiwanis President Pete Dutrow, one of Dick’s sons, once again is chairing the annual event, which is held to raise funds for the Kiwanis Club’s various projects. Most of these projects center on the Kiwanis International theme of “Service Children of the World.”
“In the next several weeks, we will be sending out sponsorship letters and urging business, industry and individuals to start thinking about taking part in the tournament,” Dutrow said. “The event will have a shotgun start, probably at 11 a.m., and will conclude with a buffet dinner and the trophy presentations. We are urging area golfers to take part, either with a foursome or individually. We will put teams together if necessary.”
Inquiries regarding the tournament should be directed to Mr. Dutrow at 684-2523.