Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Last night more than 300 people gathered together for a Support Our Troops Rally at the Faith Baptist Church in Altoona. The event was co-sponsored by the church and the United States Armed Forces Mothers of Blair County. The purpose of the event was to honor all those who have served in our Armed Forces and especially those who are currently serving in the Persian Gulf War. Special speakers included: Pastor Gary G. Dull of the Faith Baptist Church, Mrs. Lou Ann Leamer of the Blair County U. S. Armed Forces Mothers, Blair County Commissioner John Eichelberger and Altoona Attorney Terry Tomasetti.
The theme of the evening was Blair County for America, and the program included patriotic music, testimonials, prayers for the troops and a spiritual meditation by Pastor Dull. Also, Dull told the crowd that the church was videotaping the service and that it would be available for members of the military to view to help boost morale.
“This will be going up on the world wide web within 24 hours, and so if you know any military personnel anywhere around the world probably by tomorrow at this time if they tune into, they’ll be able to view what we are seeing tonight,” said Pastor Dull.
Between guest speakers, special music was provided by Sally Wenzel of the U. S. Armed Forces Mothers and the mother to three USMC sons and the mother-in-law of a Marine. A piano duet, “Stars and Stripes Forever” was performed by Katie Duffy and Danielle Span, and flutist Chelsea Winder performed a patriotic medley.
“I would like to thank every mother, every father, every brother, everyone who’s here tonight, every friend,” said Lou Ann Leamer of the Blair County U. S. Armed Forces Mothers. “As our name implies, every single one of us has a son or daughter serving actively in the military. If they’re not our own those of us who are lucky enough to have our kids home and out of the service at this time have adopted those who are serving actively in the military.”
Many U. S. armed forces veterans attended the rally as well as parents of military personnel. All groups of people were honored at the rally with support from friends, family and community members. Mini U. S. flags were handed out at the door and were waved high and proud during the ceremony, and many people wore a little yellow ribbon pin in support of bringing home the troops safely and quickly.
“You folks here tonight are doing what people in Blair County do best,” said Blair County Commissioner John Eichelberger. “You’re standing up for your principles, for your beliefs. You’re rallying behind our country, our pride, our President and our military leaders, and I’m very proud of this community.”
After Eichelberger spoke, Altoona Attorney Terry Tomasetti talked about how Americans should never have to suffer another September 11 again.
“I thank George Bush and our government leaders for the steps they have taken not to follow the policy of appeasement but to make our loss now our first loss, our smallest loss,” said Tomassetti. “This is the right thing to do. There is sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice. This is the right thing to do now, so when you come and see the mothers of our soldiers and the fathers of our soldiers, help them out, comfort them, and pray for them because they are now our greatest treasure.”
The evening ended in prayer and meditation. A web site was listed in the bulletin for anyone who wants to adopt a troop member to pray for at

By Rick