Wed. Mar 19th, 2025

Library officials continue to look forward to a late summer/early fall opening date for the all new Tyrone-Snyder Public Library.
At Tuesday’s meeting of the board of directors, members heard a report from contractor Jeff Long.
Long explained that Penelec will be removing a pole from the middle of the rear lot. According to the library’s Director of Public Relations Chuck Banas, the pole would hamper parking at the facility. Penelec will reposition the pole to the side of the lot for $2,100.
Long also explained that he has filed for a variance with Tyrone Code Enforcement Officer Tom Lang that will allow a sign to be placed on the front of the building. Last month, the board attempted to bypass the cost of filing for the $150 variance by discounting an idea for an awning outside, thinking that a sign on the building would not necessitate a variance.
The property survey at the new library site has been completed by Pellegrini Engineers. All property and boundary lines have been established.
According to Banas, Long and his crew are eagerly anticipating the date when the frost leaves the ground and they can begin pouring the floor. Banas said security and alarm companies have already inspected the building and are detailing plans for the systems. Banas said this equipment will be installed when work on the ceiling of the building commences – after the floor has been poured.
“We’re getting more and more excited as the work continues,” said Banas. “It’s a wonderful looking structure on a site that just a few months ago was just an ugly pile of rubble.”
The current board will remain intact for 2003. Members are as follows, Fred Thomas, president; Ellen Roberts, vice-president; Linda Albright, secretary; Rita Dick, treasurer; Sallie Donnor, building; Chuck Banas, publicity; and Jean Parker, program director.
Banas said some new committees have formed and others were reorganized.
The new Interior Building Committee is being chaired by Donnor. This committee will be responsible for the interior workings of the library. Banas said currently, the group is looking at different types of carpeting, book shelving and computer tables to place in the new structure.
Citing a need to keep maintenance up in the old building on Logan Avenue, the board decided to create a Maintenance Committee. Chaired by Thomas, this committee will be responsible for keeping the current location operating at maximum efficiency.
“Until we move into the new library, we still have maintenance issues in the old library,” said Banas. “This committee will ensure we are on top of everything that may come up on Logan Avenue.”
The once Building Committee has been replaced with the Building Construction Committee. Banas said this group, chaired by Thomas, will be responsible for interfacing with the contractor for any plan changes, ideas or anything else that has to do with the construction occurring at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Tenth Street.
Banas said the Finance Committee will again be chaired by Rita Dick; the Publicity and Fundraising Committee will be chaired by himself; and the Personnel Committee will be under the direction of Albright.
“We’re also going to have a new committee called Programs and Friends of the Library,” said Banas. “Linda Parker is putting this committee together and I’m sure she’ll do a great job. More information will be available on this committee once everything is all put together.”
In other business:
• Parker, the director of programing, announced that on April 30 from 2-4 p.m., the board will hold an Appreciation Tea at Joybeans, to honor all those who have volunteered over the past year;
• received information that the Summer Reading Program is currently being organized. The library is asking the community for suggestions. Those with ideas are asked to contact 684-1133. More information will become available at a later date;
• received information concerning the Book Marker Program. Banas said the book marks are currently being printed, and when finished, will be sold with all proceeds benefiting the building project.

By Rick