Mon. Jan 13th, 2025

Activity Director of Nursing and Master Gardener, Pauline Stout and Activity Director of Personal Care, Barb McCloskey, along with the AG teacher, Chris Carney of Tyrone High School and Tyrone 9th grade cheerleader, Adrienne Ray, are beginning substantial progress on the planting of the Wander Garden at Epworth Manor.
“One of the priorities when the Alzheimer’s unit was the Wander Garden so residents could go outside without eloping,” Pauline summarized. Residents will be able to wander freely because of the high scurity wall already in place.
The Wander Garden is being created adjacent to the new, forthcoming Alzheimer’s wing, with large, open windows for residents to be able to see a colorful view all year round. Barb McCloskey was glad to finally, “have a nice day to plant.” “We’re not sure how far we’ll get today,…but Pauline is a good ringleader,” McCloskey also added.
Carney is highly involved in community activities, many with Epworth Manor. Chris Carney states, “We do a lot of community service projects and have done other projects with Epworth Manor…it builds the student’s personal character and it’s a good thing to do.” While helping Epworth immensely with her time, experience, and knowledge, Carney also says, “this gives the students some hands-on opportunities and that always helps in the future for them.”
The Wander Garden will also be accessible for residents to participate in gardening, including planting and upkeep, to keep them active.
Many nurseries were “quite generous” Stout states to contribute. This list includes Wagner’s, The Growing Thing, Lowes, Engleman’s, Rovicks, Wertz’s, and Gulishes.
Parts of the Wander Garden contain two park benches, two bird baths on opposite sides, and a wandering path for residents to stroll along enjoy different aspects of the Garden at their leisure. Perennials are being planted now to bloom colorfully in the spring and annuals will be planted in the spring for a beautiful summer Garden. This is definitely an ongoing, active project.
The Alzheimer’s Unit is hoping to open in November, but a sooner date for the Open House of the Wander Garden will be announced soon.
It was also quite pleasing to note that Adrienne Ray volunteered, “…to help because I thought it was good for the community…I’m going to be a landscape designer when I grow up.”
The dedication is expected to be sometime in November.

By Rick