Two senior students at the Tyrone High School are returning to school today following a 10 day suspension for a weapons violation.
The two students were in posession of a look-alike weapon on school property.
The plastic cap gun was purple and orange in color and the students were playing around.
One student fired the gun at the junior high cheerleaders as they practiced.
The Administration recommended 10 day suspensions that were served September 17-30, excluded from extra-cirricular activities for 15 days and community service to be completed by December 1.
“These kids are very good students, but they made poor judgement,” said Dr. William Miller, Tyrone superintendent. “We didn’t think that what they did merited being suspended for a month or longer.”
Both students who were suspended are honor students, but Miller said that the offense had to be dealt with.
“We can’t accept this behavior in today’s society,” said Miller. “One student has already started his community service. The status of the second student is pending.”
The District is in the process of filing disorderly conduct charges against the students.
In other noteworthy events that will come before the School Board when they meet a week from tonight is a request from the Physical Plant and Operations Committee to name the Athletic Park Complex as the Harry K. Sickler Athletic Park, Tyrone Area School District.
This was put forth as a motion at the last Board meeting and withdrawn to return to committee.
The Tyrone School Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, October 8, 2002 in the Tyrone Elementary School. The meeting starts at 7 p.m.