The definition given to the All-American Dairy Show Image Award winner is “An individual who has enhanced the image of the All-American Dairy Show by significant contributions towards its reputation, prestige, and welfare.” This year’s winner is more than that. Not only is he one of the most enthusiastic attendees, but he has made it one of his main goals, as the Secretary of Agriculture for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to improve the show. Secretary Samuel E. Hayes, Jr., positively fits the definition of an All-American Image Award Winner.
Among the goals Sam Hayes set for himself when he accepted his appointment as Secretary of Agriculture, was to make the All-American Dairy Show the “Premier Show” in all of North America. He felt by improving the Farm Show Complex, this would in turn enhance the quality of the show and increase the entries. By obtaining additional money for advertising, funding for staff to coordinate the show, and additional dollars for premiums, he felt the show’s reputation would greatly improve. Not only did the opportunity exist to promote the dairy cattle and genetics of Pennsylvania, but to invite fellow breeders and exhibitors from all over the United States, North America, and the World, to come and do the same. The All-American Dairy Show, held all under one roof at the Farm Show Complex, was, is, and will continue to be, the #1 dairy show offered in North America.
Much of the credit for the shows recent renewal does belong to Secretary Hayes. He set out to find the necessary funding to strive for his goal. In 1995 he was instrumental in obtaining additional dollars to bring funding to over $100,000 for the Show.
By 2001, he had increased this funding to $255,000. Secretary Hayes felt if Pennsylvania could make this the #1 dairy show in the world, exhibitors would come. His emphasis was on premium dollars, hospitality, making the show exhibitor friendly, and insuring livestock safety.
His ideas worked. In 1999, 2,500 entries were received, while just a short two years later in 2001, almost 3,100 entries were recorded. This year’s totals have already surpassed all expectations. Currently over 3,200 entries have been received making the 2002 show the third consecutive record-breaking year.
Secretary Hayes latest and largest contribution to the continued promotion of agriculture for the future is currently under construction. He envisioned the Farm Show Complex to become a 21st Century facility. He wanted the complex to be the finest dairy facility, all under one roof, and definitely one of a kind. Construction for the addition and revitalization is currently underway and ahead of schedule. A new stalling area, exhibition arena, cafeteria, climate controlled environment, grooved walkways for cattle, and additional inside wash facilities are just a few of the many improvements that will enhance the complex in the near future. Renovations are also underway in the current building. Total renewal of the small arena, additional offices and lounges, a new youth dormitory, business center, and a family living area are underway.
Secretary Hayes is a “Hands On” person. He can be found everyday within the Farm Show Complex during the show week, offering his help wherever needed. Personal visits to exhibitors, handing out awards, watching youth shows, and helping with contests are just some of the activities where he is seen. Wherever he is found, he is sure to be giving his personal trademark sign of his “thumbs up”.
Secretary Hayes sums all of the Farm Show Complex improvements and the renewal of the show in these few words, “Pennsylvania is building for the future”. The All-American Dairy Show wishes to extend their highest regard to Secretary Hayes by giving him their “thumbs up”.