Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The on going debate about the placement of a Pyramid Healthcare facility in Bald Eagle continued during the public comment portion of the Tyrone School Board meeting last night.
The overflow crowd moved from the Board room to the Large Group Instruction room at the Tyrone Elementary School.
Bald Eagle resident Ed Schenk was the first to address the Board concerning the Pyramid placement.
Schenk spoke of the group of Bald Eagle residents who attended the August meeting of the Board. Since the August meeting, Schenk wrote a letter to the Board president, Lee Stover and the Superintendent, Dr. William Miller. The letter was provided by Schenk to The Daily Herald.
In Schenk’s letter and as part of his comments last night, Schenk asked the Board for the following.
“1. A copy of the request for quotation of bid (or equivilant) which includes the date, the services requested, timing/schedule for starting, when quotations re due, etc.
“2. A copy of the bid list, who the RFQ was sent or advertised in local or business journals, etc.
“3. A copy of all bids received including those who chose not to bid.
“4. A copy of the criteria used to award the contract to Pyramid. If a sole source, documented explanation of the sole source.”
Schenk also asked in his letter to have documentation concerning the cost to the District for the children placed in Pyramid and a copy of the contract administrators (or equivalent) signed approval of the contract criteria by Pyramid on August 26.
Following the one hour and fifteen minute public comment portion of the meeting, Dr. Miller responded for clarification of some of the public opinion brought to the Board.
“We are not required to put out to bid for services,” said Miller to Schenk’s question about bidding for the services Pyramid provides. “The kids were placed in an outside area and we brought them home. We are out to provide the best possible education for the children.”
Miller told the group of the progress reports that the District receives from Pyramid.
“We receive reports at the end of every week,” said Miller. “They provide theraputic and counseling support. They have a 1-1 ratio for student to staff and we only pay for the education they receive there, we don’t pay for the theraputic and counseling.”
There were more comments to the Board that will appear in tomorrow’s Daily Herald.

By Rick