Tyrone Borough Council will have one less member after its first September meeting. Sarah Jane Miller submitted her letter of resignation to the Borough offices Tuesday morning, marking the end of a four and a half year stint on the council. Tuesday afternoon. Borough Manager Al Drayovitch confirmed the resignation and said that he was in the process of contacting council and the mayor.
In her letter to her fellow council members, Miller explained her reasons for stepping down.
“Most of you already know my family has been coping with some serious health problems and my energies are now centered on caring my family,” she wrote. “Because of this, I cannot devote the necessary time to continue serving as a member of Borough Council. Therefore, I hereby submit my resignation from Borough Council effective September 1, 2002.
Miller ends her letter with: “I have always tried to do what I thought was in the best interests of the Borough and the residents, and I appreciate all the support I received over the years from the community.”
During her term, Miller often went against the grain of Council and was frequently the lone dissenting vote.
Drayovitch said that the process of selecting a new member of Council would most likely begin in October, after the required advertising and waiting period. “What we do is we have a process where people can submit their names and council will hold public interviews for all qualified candidates,” he said.
Miller is the second member to resign before completing her term. Gary McGovern, who was Council Vice President at the time, resigned in June of 2001 after his residence moved to Snyder Township. Jim Grazier was selected to complete his term.