Tyrone Borough Councilmember Jim Beckwith expressed his concern at last Monday’s regular meeting that it is taking too long to implement the Reservoir Park playground renovations. Councilmember Sharon Dannaway asked about the $130,000 project, that is being funded by a mix of grants and borough funds, prompting Beckwith, along with Sarah Miller, to question the timeline of the project.
“Whatever the hold up is we need to get this thing rolling,” he said. “If somebody’s sitting on it, then get’em off it and get it moving.” Beckwith has been a strong advocate of replacing the aged playground equipment at Reservoir Park and he was visibly upset that it was now August and the design, contracted to Landscape Architects Stephen Parks’ firm, was not completed.
Council approved the project last year and Parks appeared before Council in early 2002 to discuss the equipment and adjacent in-line skating rink. An elevation study was approved and since that time the project has seemingly been at a standstill.
Borough Manager Al Drayovitch indicated that some additional funds may be required. With the restrictions set by the grant funding, $10,000 is slated to be used for engineering and $40,000 is in place for the playground equipment. The rink is projected to cost $80,000. “CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) moneys might be able to be used,” Drayovitch said. He indicated that he would check to see why the design remained unfinished.
In other Borough news, Miller attempted to spur discussion on the YMCA’s request for assistance in the wake of recently discovered tax liabilities. “I do think that the YMCA should help the YMCA in some way,” she said. “If the YMCA can pay Westvaco $15,000 for a waterline easement it didn’t need to pay for, then I think we can find a way to help the Y.” Miller was referring to last month’s approval by Council, to her objection, that the former Tyrone company be reimbersed for a waterline break at Berlin and 10th Street. Tyrone Borough maintained for months that it was not the fault of the Borough. In July, Council approved the measure along with an agreement with MeadWestvaco for an easement as part of the Borough’s upcoming million dollar waterline improvement project.
John Ferner, speaking on bealf of the Tyrone MeadWestvaco facility, told The Daily Herald that the company had never offered the easement in exchange for the settlement. “At no time was the easement included in any discussions with Tyrone Borough about the waterline break,” he said.