Sat. Jan 11th, 2025

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It has been a very positive week! I start by saluting Mr. Dan Meckes for leading the way in the “save the Y drive” by giving $1000 and issuing a challenge for others to do the same. Those of you that have followed I praise you as well. This very worthwhile drive is so much more positive then disagreeing over smaller issues. Remember if every Tyrone resident would give just $14, the financial issue at the Y would be taken care of. I also tip my hat to the Tyrone School District on the implementation of the random drug testing policy, and to Pyramid Healthcare, for joining with the school district and purchasing the former Aiken Nursing Home where they will locate their offices. A very positive week indeed!
If Daily Herald Editor John Harlow can do it, so can you! The Daily Herald has joined forces to help the YMCA with Stultz and Brown Ford Mercury and 1340 WTRN for the $20,000 Punt, Pass and Kick Contest after the final Tyrone home game on October 5th. Your simple one dollar donation to the Y gets you into the final drawing to be the person to punt, pass and kick you way to a new car. Harlow, who claims that new Washington Redskins Coach Steve Spurrier is a football god, went through the contest motions at the High School practice field and finished kicking a thirty-five yard field goal. Again if he can do it so can you! We’ll see you all at the Backyard Brawl on Friday, August 30th.
It sounds like it was a positive first meeting of a possible new Tyrone Merchants Association. They certainly have some important decisions to make including bringing the association under the umbrella of the Chamber of Commerce or as a separate organization. It appears that promotions and marketing could be the focus to drive more business and more local residents to shop in Tyrone. “The streets are paved with savings,” is one of the slogans of a downtown Tyrone business directory that we run in the paper. This and all ideas that the members of this new group come up with will be very good for all.
I ask again that Tyrone Borough research and again consider helping the YMCA during this financial crisis. Is there a fund that this could come from? If it would come from the general fund, how would the community react to using tax dollars? I’m not saying it will be easy, but I truly hope that all avenues will be explored.
Sorry to say that after touring the Ward House property, it should be torn down. I also support the relocation or addition of the new jobs if G & R Excavating becomes the new owner of the property.
I’m an East End Hoagie addict! I can’t help myself! I have lunch there at least twice a week, sometimes more. I know that others feel the same but maybe don’t admit it. I have no problem with my new addiction and will talk about it openly. East End is closed until the start of September and I am craving a medium with just a little onion. I have talked to my wife about my new addiction and she is going to experience it for herself when they return from vacation. I should have done what others do, buy a few and freeze them, then I wouldn’t be complaining right now.
Daily Herald Sports Editor Bob Miller is hard at work putting together the stories and pictures for our GIANT Pigskin Preview football tab arriving in your newspaper on Thursday, August 29th. I would like to thank the many area businesses for being a part of it. With Tyrone, Bellwood-Antis, Penn State and our Steelers are all looking ahead to tremendous seasons! It will be an issue you won’t want to miss.
These last four days are a very emotional time in my life! On Wednesday of this week it marked the third anniversary of my oldest son’s tragic death in a swimming accident in Delaware. On Saturday it is also my wedding anniversary. So over the last few days I have rode the emotion rollercoaster. We will spend our weekend in the city of Pittsburgh, and I hope that whatever you are doing it will also be safe and enjoyable. Thanks again for reading!

By Rick