Sun. Jan 12th, 2025

Last night at the work session of the Tyrone Area School Board of Directors, the annual Powderpuff Football game received a reprieve from the Board.
The Board had concerns after last year’s game. There was a fight early in the game, and late in the game there was a girl who suffered a concussion and missed the District playoffs in volleyball.
“We had some problems last year,” said Student Activities chairperson Brian Bressler. “We are concerned about the injuries that are suffered.”
Craig Kilmer represented the Tyrone BPOE Elks Lodge #212 at the meeting and said the Elks are willing to work with the Board to make the Powderpuff game a success.
“The Powderpuff game goes back a number of years,” said Kilmer. “It isn’t intended to be a contact game. We are asking the Board to extend for at least one more year. In the history, we have had one or two small incidents, but overall there haven’t been that many problems.”
To be a part of the game, students sign waivers to cover the Elks and the School District from lawsuits.
“The bottom line of the game, it brings a lot of spirit for the junior and senior classes,” said Kilmer. “The proceeds from the game fund the Ellenberger Football Scholarship and also funds the Elks Drug and Alcohol Awareness program. We are asking to work with you and give the game one more shot.”
Tyrone Athletic Director Tony Yaniello spoke of the concerns of some of his coaches.
“The time the game is played is one of the concerns of our coaches,” said Yaniello. “It is right before the District playoffs in volleyball, District tennis and the District cross country meet. Last year, a girl missed the volleyball playoffs because of a concussion she received in the game. Two or three years ago a girl was injured and missed the cross country District championships.”
After discussion between the Elks representatives (Kilmer and Steve Lucas) and the Board, the two sides came to an agreement.
The game will continue with adult supervision at practices and on the sidelines during the game, work with the Athletic Director to find a time for the game to not take away from the District playoffs and get outside PIAA officials to referee the game.
Board vice-president Jim Crawford asked for a consensus of the Board and the members approved the game continuing.
The Board reviewed Revision Six of the Drug and Alcohol Testing policy and again will be making revisions.
The point of discussion was about the first offense.
According to revision six of the policy, “The student participant with a first offense will be suspended from participation and attendance until a negative test is achieved. A student with a positive test result may request on the next random date or schedule his or her own test with District approved vendor at his or her own expense. However, that testing will follow school guidelines. Sufficient time should be given between tests for the body to cleanse itself. If a succeeding test following the confirmation test is also deemed positive, this will be considered a second offense.”
Board member Becky Emenhiser voiced concern over this part of the policy.
“Some of the drugs the kids are doing is out of the system in 12-48 hours,” said Emenhiser. “There is a possibility to test positive one day come back two days later test again and be negative and be reinstated right away. There needs to be some sort of penalty for a positive test.”
Board Member Pete Dutrow, said that students would lose more privileges by failing classes than failing a drug test.
“If you fail in the classroom, you are suspended from participating in an sport for 15 school days,” Dutrow said. “That should be the minimum for a first offense.”
The Board is also looking into the possibility of testing any day of the week.
“We are adding that to revision seven,” said Dr. William Miller, Superintendent of Schools. “We are going to do everything we can do to make this policy air tight. If there is an activity that participates on a Saturday or Sunday, there is the chance of being tested. We want to help rehabilitate the students but there needs to be a punitive side to the policy.”
Revision seven will appear Tuesday at the regular session of the Tyrone School Board.
The Board also discussed the School Crossing Guard issue. They will formally approve a request to the Snyder Township Supervisors at next week’s Board Meeting and the Crossing guard issue will be resolved.
The Board will hold its regular meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Elementary School Board room.

By Rick