Kristen Otto, daughter of Tom and Kathy Otto, Altoona, will compete for the title of Miss Teen of Pennsylvania at the 2002 state pageant which will be held August 9 to 11 at Bloomsburg University.
The winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship, a $500 educational savings bond, and $250 to present to her school on behalf of the Miss Teen of America Scholarship and Recognition Program. She will be eligible to compete for Miss Teen of America.
Each state candidate will be scored in six areas. They are scholastic record, achievement and service to school and community, personal development of hobbies, talents and skills, general awareness written test, personality projection in formal wear and judge’s interview.
“This pageant truly reflects the young women of the 21st century. Sixty percent of the judging involves written resumes and testing, with the strongest single category being the judge’s interview,” said National Director Warren Alexander.
Kristen, 18, is the valedictorian of the Class of 2002 at Bellwood-Antis High School and is sponsored in the pageant by Sue Whiteford Beauty Salon, Russin Funeral Home, Paradise Outfitters, Jim Decker General Contractor, Virgina R. Otto, and Thomas and Kathy Otto.
The state finals for the Miss Teen of Pennsylvania will be held at 4 p.m. August 11 in the Haas Center for the Arts at Bloomsburg University.
The event is open to the general public and tickets will be available for purchase at the door.