A service of recognition and honor for all members of the Pennsylvania National Guard, both past and present, as well as all veterans will be held Sunday, November 9 at 7 p.m. at Christ United Methodist Church, Tyrone.
As one of a continuing series of such services honoring our military veterans, it was felt with the recent deployment of a brigade-sized unit from Pennsylvania, honoring the “Guard” at this time was most appropriate, said the Rev. Barry Neal.
Pastor Neal continued, “Without glorifying conflicts in which they or other veterans have been involved, the church seeks to recognize their sacrifices for God and Country,” he added.
Karla Davis, PA Community Team Leader for Soldiers’ Angels, said the group will have two large quilts on display. Persons attending may write a message or just sign their names on the quilts, which the National Guard members will take with them when they are deployed after the Christmas holidays.
Also, there will be boxes of Christmas cards for persons to write to these soldiers that they will carry with them overseas.
Davis said there will also be coloring books and crayons for the children to complete artwork for the soldiers.
The speaker for the evening will be the Honorable Samuel Hayes, Jr., a Vietnam veteran, former Pennsylvania House Majority Whip and Secretary of Agriculture.
Hayes, and his wife Betty, have two sons serving in the military. They include Lt. Col. Samuel Hayes III and Lee Hayes, a Blackhawk helicopter pilot. Both young men will heading overseas in the months ahead.
Representative Jerry Stern will also be participating as well as National Guard support groups.
The evening will include special music.
An invitation is extended to all veterans and their families.
Christ United Methodist Church is located on the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street.