Last week at halftime of the final regular season game against Central, Tyrone Area School District honored the Ellenberger Award recipients. The Ellenberger scholarship was established in 1988 by the Football Booster club under the direction of Joe Zang.
After funding was acquired, the first award (a $500 scholarship) was presented in 1991 to Brandon Rhoades. It has been presented each year since to a Senior member of the Tyrone Golden Eagle football team.
The funding each year is generated from the Annual Powder Puff football game.
The Tyrone Elks became sponsor for the award in 1993, and remains so today.
The Ellenberger Scholarship Committee makes the selection each year following a set of criteria established in the original charter formed in 1988.
A social hour was held for the past winners and family at the Tyrone Elks before the game.
Ellenberger Scholarship Recipients:
[Established 1988-89, initial funding acquired 1990-91]
1991 = Brandon Rhoades, 1992 = Paul Morrison, 1993 = Don Peterson, 1994 = Jim Kilmartin, 1995 = Ryan Fleck, 1996 = Sam Cowher, 1997 = Luke Friday, 1998 = Brent Shawley, 1999 = Al Hammers, 2000 = Evan Klesius, 2001 = Joe Lehner, 2002 = Brian Moore, 2003 = Ryan Clark, 2004 = Jason Wilson, 2005 = Tad Chamberlain, 2006 = Trey Brockett, 2007 = Russell Beck, 2008 = Shayne Tate.