Greta | Ben | King |
Pets Come First is an all volunteer non-profit organization committed to ensuring responsible animal shelter management and providing both human and monetary resources to assist adoptable homeless animals in Centre County. For information on these animals, volunteer opportunities, or to inquire about other animals please visit our website at, e-mail us at, or call (814) 359-7150.
Greta is 8 weeks old as of 11-19-08. She is a gentle black kitten with a few white markings. She loves to snuggle, watch TV, and play with balls. She is the perfect lady – no biting, uses her litter box and scratching post, and is very quiet. Sometimes she acts shy but only for a second. She loves other cats and dogs. Greta also behaves well in the bathtub and when getting her nails trimmed. Her siblings are Ben and King.
Ben is 8 weeks old as of 11-19-08. He is a very inquisitive, adorable grey tabby kitten. He loves to explore, is very playful (even by kitten standards), and also lovable. He uses his scratching post and litter box. He loves to be cradled like a baby and have his belly rubbed. He gets along great with other cats and dogs. Due to his high energy, he would probably develop best in a home with other animals. His siblings are King and Greta.
King is 8 weeks old as of 11-19-08. He is a playful, loving brown tabby. King enjoys taking naps, playing with his siblings, and cuddling. He gets along with other cats and also dogs. He is litter box and scratching post trained. His siblings are Greta and Ben.