Fri. Jan 24th, 2025

The Daily Herald is gearing up for the first day of Buck Season, and we want your “Buck Shots”!
December 1 is the first day of Buck Season, and on December 2, The Daily Herald is devoting the back page of the newspaper to display photos of area residents with their deer. To make this work, we are asking everyone to participate in a timely manner. If you get a buck the first day, email or drop a photo off to The Daily Herald by 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 2. With the photo, include your name, address, and a brief description of the deer. You may email the photo in jpeg format to or drop off the photo to The Daily Herald office. If the office is closed, there is a mail slot in the door to drop off the photo and information.
The Daily Herald is hoping to receive many, many photos, so good luck to everyone!

By Rick