Title: Haiti Relief Project Spaghetti Dinner
Description: Upper Spruce Creek Presbyterian Church
2620 Spruce Creek Road (Route 45)
Pennsylvania Furnace PA 16865
Haiti Relief Project Spaghetti Dinner
Friday, May 14, 2010
5 p.m. until…
Our congregation’s goal is to assemble 100+ Hygiene Kits for Haitian Disaster Relief. From now through May 14, we are collecting items to be included in the kits.
We are inviting you and your family and friends to join us in this project and to have dinner with us on May 14. Cost for dinner? One or more of the items on the list that follows!
Hygiene Kit Contents
1 – hand towel (approximately 16” x 28”; no fingertip or bath towels)
1 – wash cloth
1 – wide-tooth comb
1 – nail clipper (no metal files or emery boards)
1 – bar of soap (bath size in wrapper)
1 – toothbrush (in original packaging)
6 – Band-Aids or other adhesive bandage strips
A monetary donation to the Haitian Disaster Relief project will be gratefully accepted, as well.
For more information about the project and the dinner, please call 814-632-8662 or
Join us!!!
Start Time: 17:00
Date: 05-14-2010