Mon. Jan 13th, 2025

Title: Natural Gas Drilling Presentation
Link out: Click here
Description: Public Natural Gas Meeting, Pleasant Union Church Building. Saturday, April 17 beginning at 6 p.m. Educational Meeting open to the public free of charge. Guest speaker Dish Mayor Calvin Tillman, Texas, says natural gas activities pollute the environment and wants to educate the public on the hazards. Bring your natural gas questions for Mayor Tillman to answer.
Clearville is located South of Everett, PA. From the town of Clearville, head south on Rt 26, take first left hard road onto Pleasant Union Church Road to the meeting. Don’t miss this natural gas educational opportunity to learn what is in your air, water and soil near natural gas activities. For more information:
Sponsored by: Clearville Concerned Citizens

Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2010-04-17
End Time: 21:00

By Rick