At 10:30 a.m. worship on Sunday, May 18, Tyrone Presbyterians will renew their baptismal vows, as they witness the Reverend Barry Vance baptize these three young adults in this sacrament – Megan Hewitt, Isreal McCaulley, and Brittany Sessamen. Pastor Vance will baptize these young adults in preparation for their Confirmation into Tyrone Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 1 by the Reverend Mark Liller.
Unlike other Christian traditions, the Presbyterian Church teaches that only two sacraments exist – the Lord’s Supper and Baptism. According to Presbyterian tradition, the Sacrament of Baptism reenacts and seals what the Bible teaches: that God has demonstrated His amazing grace in Jesus Christ, and calls people to repentance, service, and faithfulness.
The Common Water of Presbyterian Baptism will remind church members of the life-giving waters of God’s creation, of the life-changing flood-waters in Noah’s time, and of the parting waters of the Red Sea, when the Jews escaped from the Egyptians. In all of these Old Testament events, water symbolized God’s faithfulness to His people. In fact, the Prophet Amos calls for justice to roll down like waters, and righteousness to run like an ever-flowing stream in Chapter Five of his Old Testament Book.
The Westminster Choir, now in its 77th season of singing, will present the modern anthem by John Ylvisaker Anthem entitled “We Are Baptized In Christ Jesus/We Are Baptized In His Death/That As Christ Was Raised Victorious/We Might Live A Brand New Life.” During the closing stanza of this choir anthem, the three young adults to be baptized will be escorted to the altar by those who sponsored them.
Retired Presbyterian Minister Barry Vance, who in the past has served as Director of Development for the Presbyterian Homes, as interim Pastor of Bellwood Presbyterian Church, and now resides on Fourteenth Street and Highland Drive in Tyrone, will conduct the Service of Baptism and will deliver the morning message about Baptism.
At this baptismal service, Presbyterians each will renew their Baptismal Vows when they sing these two Baptism hymns – Michael Saward’s 1982 song called, “Baptized In Water” and Susan Adam’s 1993 song entitled “I Come To Be Baptized Today.”
This Service of Baptism will conclude with Lydia Baxter’s 1870 hymn of challenge entitled “Take The Name Of Jesus With You.” After worship, Presbyterians will greet those newly baptized, as well as families, guest, and visitors at an after church hour of food and fellowship in the Christian Education Hallway.
As the Season of Pentecost unfolds and the church enters the Growth Season, local Presbyterians invite people all across the community to join them for 10:30 worship this Sunday, May 18, where they can renew the promises they made long ago at their own Baptism.