Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

With school coming to an end and summer heating up, many area churches are looking ahead to the vacation Bible school season.
Area kids are invited to join a trail ride through the desert southwest and experience a thrilling adventure with Grace Baptist Church Vacation Bible School Cactus Canyon.
Grace Church invites all children from three-years-old through sixth grade to join in this year’s vacation Bible school.
Participants will ride through trails of adventure – filled with Bible stories, create cool western crafts, enjoy refreshing snacks and gallop through the recreation activities.
VBS Cactus Canyon will be held at Grace Baptist Church from June 16 to 20.
Classes will be held from 6 to 8:15 p.m. each evening.
For more information, please call 684-5016 and ask for Nathan.
A preregistration party will be held on Sunday, June 15 between 6 and 8 p.m. at the church. All community children and parents are invited to come and register for the week of VBS and enjoy a huge blow-up bouncer, free cotton candy, cool slushies, popcorn, fun games and more.
Also, a closing celebration will be held on Saturday, June 21 at 3 p.m.
Share a wonderful time of the week at Lonnie and Lee Ann Focht’s on Decker Hollow Road. Horse demonstrations, great food and a fun bouncer for the children will be included.
Bible school at the Bald Eagle United Methodist Church will be held June 16 to 20 from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
The theme and study will be “God’s Backyard.”
Classes will be held for children from three-years-old through high school age.
Students will earn money given for the missionary project and a picnic will follow Bible school on Friday, June 20.
The Bible school will feature interesting class work and lessons, new and different crafts and refreshments each day.
Many volunteers help to make this a special event including: Peggy Sessamen, nursery class; Darwin and Raelyn Stark, kindergarten; Nancy Hammond and Polly Schandelmier, first/second grade; Cheryl and Cindi Christine, third/fourth grade; Amy Weaver, fifth/sixth grade and Sara Richards, teenage.
The Bible school director is Sara Richards and the Pastor is Rev. Michelle Sommerville.
Anyone needing transportation can call 684-2912.
Bible school at the Church of the Good Shepherd will begin Sunday, June 22 from 6:15 to 8:30 p.m. each evening, concluding Thursday, June 26.
This year’s theme is “Friendship Trek – Jesus, Our Forever Friend”.
In five days kids explore how friends reach out, love, give, care and share.
Students are invited to join in for an amazing hike through the Bible to meet Jesus, our forever friend.
Anyone with questions can call the church office at 684-2472.
St. Matthew’s will also host a Bible school June 23 to 27 from 9 a.m. to noon.
St. Matthew’s Bible School
St. Matthew’s will be having their Bible School June 23 – 27th from 9 a.m. to noon.
This year’s theme is “Power Lab – Discovering Jesus’ Miraculous Power”.
Interested individuals can call the church office at 684-1480, Nicole Swope at 632-5433 or Denise Kreckel at 684-2898 to register or sign up as a volunteer.

By Rick