Staff Writer
The Little Juniata River Association will meet tomorrow night at 7 p.m. in the Tyrone-Snyder Public Library community room.
This month’s meeting includes a visit from special guest Kristopher Kuhn, the area 7 fisheries manager. Kuhn is responsible for the trout fishery for the PA Fish and Boat Commission.
Those in attendance will have the chance to ask Kuhn what the PFBC plans to help manage and improve the trout fishing on the Little Juniata. It’s also a great opportunity to offer a few suggestions.
The meeting will also include a short power point presentation, including many pictures, by Bill Anderson titled “From the $#!& Crik to a World Class Stream”. The presentation is a story of recovery, focusing on the Little Juniata River and the LJRA.
Everyone is encouraged to attend and bring a friend.
The Little Juniata River Association is a non-profit organization which seeks to monitor, preserve and improve the Little Juniata River and its tributaries as a cold water resource, now and for generations to come.
And for those who haven’t had a chance, it’s a great time to check out the new LJRA website.
The forums are a great place to share stories and information with others, whether they live across the street or across the country.
Individuals can register and participate in discussions concerning a variety of topics ranging from fly fishing, spin fishing, birding and floating to conservation issues, public access and wildlife sightings.
Any topic is welcome as long as it relates to the Little Juniata River or it’s watershed and tributaries.
Other additions include a picture gallery featuring photos submitted by individuals.
Currently, Anderson said, “I’m looking for lunker trout pictures taken during the cicada bonanza this season,” adding whoever submits the best picture will receive a new LJRA hat.
The website is also a great place to go to keep up to date on what’s happening with the “Little J”.
Interested individuals can even check for river updates before heading out for the day.
To visit the new website, go to
Also, for anyone interested in becoming involved with the LJRA, contact Bill Anderson at for more information.
All funds collected for membership dues are used to defend the Little Juniata River.