At 10:30 a.m. worship this Sunday, June 22, Tyrone Presbyterians will welcome the immensely talented Tyrone singer and conductor, Brett Keith, in a service that will feature his vocal solo, a message about remaining faithful to Christ, and three rousing congregational hymns.
Keith, a graduate of Tyrone High and Penn State, will present a vocal solo entitled, “If With All Your Hearts You Truly Seek Him/You Shall Ever Surely Find Him,” drawn from Felix Mendlessohn’s celebrated Oratorio Elijah. When not pursuing his passion for music, Keith works as a customer service representative for The Kish Bank in State College.
The son of Claudia and Patrick Keith, Brett has distinguished himself as a singer and conductor, both in High School and in College. On the weekend of June 28, 2008, Keith will serve as musical conductor for the premiere of Tyrone Playwright Will Jones’ “Musical Jack,” staged at the Altoona Campus of Penn State. Earlier this week, Keith returned from New York City, where he had the opportunity to work with professional actors and directors on an earlier Will Jones’ Musical entitled, “Ghosts.”
In addition to Keith’s solo, Presbyterian Preaching Pastor, Mark Liller, will deliver the morning message entitled, “Let’s Just Be Friends.” Based on the appointed gospel reading for the day from Matthew 10:24-39, Reverend Liller will remind Presbyterians that Jesus predicted that His followers would be hated, tried, beaten, betrayed by loved ones and even executed. Liller will remind listeners that although they experience fear, remaining faithful to Christ in this life will help overcome any fear they may encounter.
The audience will respond to Pastor Liller’s challenge with three rousing hymns which emphasize Christian Commitment. They will open with British Priest John Monsell’s 1863 hymn entitled, “Fight The Good Fight, With All Your Might.” Following Pastor Liller’s homily, the audience will sing “Stand Up! Stand Up! For Jesus, composed in 1858 by Philadelphia Presbyterian Pastor George Duffield, as a call to evangelism. The service will close with Frances Havegal’s 1877 hymn which asks the question, “Who Is On The Lord’s Side?”
As summer unfolds, why not join The Lord’s Side this Sunday, June 22 at the 10:30 a.m. worship in Tyrone Presbyterian Church?