Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Bob Hileman, Jr., President of The Colonel Crowther Foundation, is very pleased to announce the honoring of Colonel James E. Crowther by the National Park Service.
A panel will be placed on the Wall of Honor at the Chancellorsville Visitor’s Center recognizing Colonel Crowhter’s distinguished service.
In a recent email message, National Park Historian Don Pfanz stated, “Thank you for sending me Colonel James Crowther’s photograph and information. His panel will make a wonderful addition to our exhibit. I have taken the information that you sent and used it to compose the following text,”
Colonel James E. Crowther
110th Pennsylvania Infantry
Colonel James Crowther is the highest-ranking officer buried in Fredericksburg National Cemetery.  A former Burgess of Tyrone, PA., Crowther died on May 3, 1863, while gallantly attempting to hold back the fierce Confederate onslaught at Chancellorsville.  “His death is much regretted,” wrote his commanding officer.  “He was a brave and fearless soldier, esteemed by all.”
Pfanz continued, “I wish had space to say more about the colonel, but we are limited to 55 words. I intend to submit the panel to the production company later this week. It should be ready to hang on the wall by the end of the summer. If you wish to bring a small group of people to the park in October to dedicate the panel, we will be happy to have you do so. We may even be able to get a little bit of local newspaper coverage for the event.”
President Hileman states that members of the Board of Directors of The Colonel Crowther Foundation will attend the dedication.
James E. Crowther, along with his family, moved to Tyrone before that community was formed as a borough.
In civilian service to his community, he was a member of borough council and became the third person elected to the office of Burgess.
His military career in the Pennsylvania Militia included commissions as Lieutenant in the Washington Infantry and Tyrone Artillery.
He was commissioned Captain of the Tyrone Cavalry, which became Company D of the 14th Pennsylvania Infantry during the 90-day service.
When the 110th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers was formed, James Crowther was elected and commissioned to the rank of Lt. Colonel.
In December 1862 he was promoted to full Colonel.

By Rick