The Tyrone Community Players are thrilled to announce their upcoming season of live theater in Tyrone, “Our Leap Year”, and are seeking interested individuals as directors for their exciting, creative theater endeavors.
Opening the season will be the poignant comedy based on the relationships between eight sisters spanning a decade, “The Octette Bridge Club”. Offering challenging opportunities for eight actresses between the ages of 35 and 50, “The Octette Bridge Club” will be presented in the autumn of 2008. The second offering in the season will be the family musical, “Honk!”. Based on the story, The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen, “Honk!” is a sweetly touching, musical rendition of “a poultry tale, of folks down on the farm.” “Honk!” offers performance opportunities for adult and youth thespians, all with a chance to interpret characters in a very human way. “Honk!” will be presented in the spring of 2009. The final show of the main stage season will be the contemporary, small cast musical, “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change”. Three men and three women will sing their way through the pitfalls of relationships, from the divine conception of a couple to the very human ending of a life together. Each actress and actor will portray a different person in a different situation contained within the scenes of the show. “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” enjoyed a robust run on Broadway and has only recently become available for performance by amateur theater companies.
Anyone interested in perusing a script with the intent of directing should contact the TCP at the ArtsLine. Potential directors should submit a letter of interest with a resume of their experience to the Production Committee of the TCP by May 5.
For additional information on directing a TCP show, phone the ArtsLine at 684-ART2, or contact Cindy at or 684-1219.