On Tuesday, Glenn Ray, owner of G&R Excavating and Demolition, presented a $2,500 check to Penns Woods Council at Camp Anderson. The large donation is for running electricity to camp sites and other buildings at the 96-acre site, and the money will provide the wire, conduit and elbows for the upgrade.
The funds Ray is donating came from monies he earned in conjunction with Maines Engineering and Construction, Inc. of Tyrone, for excavation and demolition of the old dining hall building at Camp Anderson.
The total cost of the project is $2,996.23, and when Ray was informed of the complete cost, he immediately wrote out a personal check to cover the existing costs.
The Camp Anderson facility has existed since 1927 and is used by many scouts, youth groups, outside organizations and numerous other functions. The new electrical work will run from the panel in back of the new dining hall to the shower house, barn, memorial lodge and from there, it will feed other camp sites, pavilions and a well that the facility has.
Volunteers from the scouts are donating their time to do the work for the electrical upgrades, and G&R plans on donating the digging that will be required.
Jay Robertson, Manager at Camp Anderson, has volunteered much of his time the last 14 years to the boy scouts and Camp Anderson. He said Ray has endlessly donated anything and everything to Camp Anderson and its needs, from excavating work, to dredging the pond and in the near future, donating a pavilion in Ray’s father’s name, Jerry Ray, who was active at the camp.
“Everybody else turns me down, except Glenn,” said an appreciative Robertson. “When he does work for me or donates supplies, he never asks for anything – not a dime. Glenn loves what we do for the kids.”
As for Ray’s recent donation, Robertson said, “It’s going to help the kids with camping skills and different events we hold throughout the year.”
Ray said he tries to donate anything he can to Camp Anderson. He has donated tents and other items he had stored in his warehouse on Pennsylvania Avenue. G&R sponsors the 22 Shoots at the camp and even buys the trophies for the participants. Presently, Ray and the camp are working on building a shotgun range.
“The boy scouts are the last dying thing we have that hasn’t been taken from us,” said Ray. “I think we have to start with what we have left to change our youth and the direction they are going.”
He added, “If you don’t have anything to do, you think of something bad to do.”
G&R and Ray have never said no to the needs of Camp Anderson, and the company’s donations are very seldom a write-off, according to Ray. He is there whenever the camp needs his help.
“We’ve made improvements by leaps and bounds out there,” ended Ray.