Tyrone Borough has held a second hearing to allow public comment on planned uses for Community Development Block Grant entitlement funding
Earlier this month, Tyrone Borough Council weighed in on how the municipality should use its 2005 CDBG allotment.
The council discussed the expected $127,499 allocation at a regular meeting, according to Finance Director Phyllis Garhart.
After an initial public hearing on Feb. 4, Garhart said she would discuss the allocation of funds with Tyrone’s interim borough manager Sharon Dannaway, but it was ultimately up to borough council to decide what activities should be included in the borough’s application.
On Feb. 14 council decided to take the bulk of the funding, $105,889, and use it for Reservoir Park under the public facility improvement category.
At the time, Garhart said some of the projects at the park could include improvements to the park pavilions to bring them into compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. The work would include replacing some of the tables and allowing ADA accessibility. Garhart also said projects could include the replacement of older playground equipment, wheelchair access leading to the restrooms and paving.
Garhart said the park project is considered a borough-wide benefit under the CDBG regulations.
She also noted council is expected to allocated $5,610 to Altoona Blair County Development Corporation for efforts associated with the I-99 Enterprise Zone. The borough typically makes such an allocation each year, although in past years the amount has been in the $6,000 range. Garhart also said $16,000 would be set aside to cover the costs of administration.
The second hearing held on Wednesday of this week, detailed the planned activities and funding levels. It also allowed the public to comment on the purposed uses of the funds and on how funds have been used in past years.
According to a public notice about the second hearing, the proposed CDBG activities will primarily benefit low and moderate-income families.
The borough also accepted written comments on the funding up until the time of Wednesday’s second hearing. Garhart said one letter was received commenting on the proposed use for Reservoir Park. She said the letter was placed in the Borough’s files.
Garhart said council will likely take action on the funding at its March 14 meeting.
The deadline for submitting the application to the Department of Community and Economic Development is April 8.