Tyrone Borough held a special meeting Wednesday night to review 2005 budget worksheets and the 2005 proposed budget.
The proposed budget was passed by council to allow it to be put up for public inspection. A notice appearing in today’s edition of The Daily Herald, states the proposed budgets for the general fund, the water fund, the capital expenditure fund and the state highway aid fund are available for public inspection at the Municipal Building at 1100 Logan Avenue in Tyrone during the borough’s normal business hours.
Tyrone Borough council also voted to cancel its Monday, Dec. 6, 2004 meeting. Before council can approve the final budget, the proposed budget must be available for a period of at least ten days. Council is expected to take action on the final budget at their next regular meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 13, 2004.
Yesterday, Borough Executive Secretary Kim Murray indicated Phyllis Garhart, the borough’s director of finance, was making some changes to the budget and it was not available to The Daily Herald for review at the time. Typically, before adopting a proposed budget, the version presented to a municipality is tweaked after a period of discussion and a consensus is reached by members of the governing body.
Someone in Garhart’s position is then left to make the necessary changes and that version is put up for public inspection. Councilman Bill Fink noted the majority of Wednesday’s meeting focused on the budget, and the meeting lasted about 90 minutes.