Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

The Albemarle facility in Tyrone has won the annual Responsible Care Excellence Award given by the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association.
The award, only three of which are given annually, recognizes chemical manufacturing facilities that have demonstrated a strong public commitment to environmental, health and safety performance, which is encouraged by the industry’s voluntary Responsible Care program.
Albemarle Corporation, Tyrone Plant has reduced its OSHA recordable injury rate from 4.8 in 2001 to less than .8 this year. Efforts to substantially reduce hazardous waste volumes have also been outstanding successes. The plant was able to reduce offsite treatment, as well as remove many truck loads of aqueous waste shipments from local highways.
Albemarle Corporation’s leadership in the community has been demonstrated with their active science and math programs, Junior Achievement participation and service club support.
“We are very pleased that SOCMA has recognized our employees for their commitment to enhance the quality of life for our community with this prestigious award,” said facility manager Randy Andrews. “I am especially proud of our team as they have successfully integrated all elements of Responsible Care into their daily duties. Tyrone is a great community, and we’re proud to be a part of it.”
SOCMA, the leading international trade association representing the custom and specialty chemical industry, recognized Albemarle Corporation, Tyrone Plant at SOCMA’s Annual Dinner and a special Responsible Care Awards reception on December 14 in New York City. Representatives from Albemarle, Tyrone Plant accepted the award on the employees behalf.

By Rick