The Warriors Mark Township supervisors held their reorganization meeting on Monday.
The board elected L. Stewart Neff to continue as its chairman. Elected as vice-chairman was Rodney Marshall. He held the same position last year and is in his second year as a supervisor. Board member Don Bickle was designated to continue as roadmaster.
Catherine Noll will continue in the role of secretary/treasurer. Larry Clapper will continue as the township solicitor in 2005. Keller Engineers of State College will remain as the township’s engineering firm.
Joseph Hall will continue as the sewage enforcement officer and Elmer Nearhoof received the vacancy board appointment.
The township will have the following depositories for its funds: Omega Bank, Citizens Bank, M & T Bank, Reliance Bank and Pligit Investment Services.
The board also authorized delegates to attend a convention of township supervisors in Hershey later this year. Neff was authorized as the voting delegate at the convention.
The supervisors also set the 2005 schedule for its regular meetings as 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at the Warriors Mark-Franklin Fire Hall.
In other business the board granted time extensions for Blackberry drivelots and the Christopher and James Brooks subdivision.
The board voted to adopt a resolution to use the Huntingdon-based accounting firm of Hearn & Stroup for the purpose of auditing its 2004 finances.
The board also approved new fees for certain types of tests as requested by its sewage enforcement officer. Hall said the tests are ones that are not commonly done in the township at this time. He wanted to establish fees because he had noted an increase for such tests in other areas and thought that the township needed to address the issue in case there is an increase for the need for the testing in the future.
The tests include ones for spray irrigation, greenhouse, peat filters and another type of irrigation.
The board received one bid for its various snow plowing needs. The supervisors accepted the bid for various services from Simmondale Excavating.
Also, Neff announced he had some concerns with the handling of building permits in the township since Warriors Mark joined a Huntingdon County-based COG (council of governments) last year. The move stemmed from the township’s decision to use the state’s Uniform Construction Code for permits and inspections of residential and business new construction and repairs and renovations.
He indicated he planned to address the concerns at the COG’s next meeting on Jan. 13 and would update township officials at a later time.
The township’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 1 at 7 p.m. Prior to the regular meeting the township has scheduled a public involvement session regarding its proposed update to its ACT 537 sewage facilities plan. That meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. prior to the regular meeting.