Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

The Blotter

Apr 14, 2003

Drive off
4/10 – State police in Hollidaysburg report a 17-year-old Tyrone male pumped $10 worth of gasoline into his vehicle at Rossi’s Corner Store in Tipton and left the scene without paying.

Minor injuries reported
4/10 – State police were called to state Route 4027 in Northwood, Snyder Township at 2:15 p.m. to investigate an accident.
Police said Deanna Snyder of Tyrone was southbound when her 1991 Chrysler left the right side of the road, then swerved back across the highway and struck an embankment.
Snyder and passenger Jessica Burket of Tyrone were both seatbelted and were treated for minor injuries at Tyrone Hospital. The vehicle sustained moderate damage.

Major injuries
4/11 – State police in Hollidaysburg were called to the intersection of state Route 4027 and Baughman Hollow Road in Snyder Township to investigate a single-vehicle accident.
Police said Joshua J. Hayes of Tyrone was southbound on SR 4027, when his 2001 Ford Escape traveled off the roadway and onto the west berm. Police said the vehicle traveled partially down a ditch for a short distance before going airborne.
Police said the vehicle rolled several times before the front end struck and sheared off a utility pole along the west berm.
After impact with the pole, Hayes was ejected from his vehicle and came to rest in the middle of Baughman Hollow Road at the intersection of SR 4027.
The vehicle continued to roll several more times before coming to rest along the west berm of SR 4027 in a ditch facing northeast. After coming to rest, the vehicle became engulfed in flames.
Hayes was life-flighted to the Altoona Hospital Trauma Unit with severe head trauma.

Two-vehicle hit-and-run
4/11 – Hollidaysburg-based state police were called to SR 764, approximately 2/10 of a mile north of SR 1001 in Antis Township at 11:15 p.m. to investigate a hit-and-run accident.
Michael James Ickes of Altoona told police he was operating his Ford E150 van southbound on SR 764 and was struck by a vehicle traveling north in the south lane of SR 764. The right side of a blue Subaru, operated my a man with gray hair and glasses, struck the right side of Ickes’ van.
Police said after impact, the driver of the blue Subaru failed to remain at the scene and fled northbound on I-99 from the Pinecroft Exit.
The suspect vehicle sustained minor to moderate damage to the right front end and right passenger side. Damage included loss of a right headlight lens cover and a passenger side mirror, which were found at the scene.
Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 696-6100.

Backed up 220
4/11 – State police were called to SR 220, approximately a mile north of the Bald Eagle intersection at 1:41 to investigate an accident.
Police said Robert J. Todd of Youngwood was southbound on SR 220 in a 2000 Ford moving truck when he moved the vehicle over to the berm to allow an oversized load traveling in the opposite direction to pass. As Young drove onto the soft berm due to recent rains, the vehicle began sinking in the mud.
The vehicle traveled into the ditch, causing the driver to lose control of the truck. The vehicle struck a utility pole and a sewer pipe, causing the truck to flip onto its side.
Police said the driver was not injured in the mis-hap, but a passenger, Robert White of Greensburg, suffered moderate injuries.
Police said SR 220 was blocked for at least two hours while the truck was removed.
Police were assisted at the scene by the Bald Eagle Fire Co. and fire police.

Shoplifting arrest
4/11 – Police arrested 32-year-old Pamela Lynn Parisi of Altoona after she was caught shoplifting $9.48 worth of merchandise at Martins Food Store in Bellmeade.

Hit-and-run solved
4/12 – Police were called to SR 4031 near Quality Chemical in Snyder Township at 12:10 a.m. to investigate a hit-and-run accident.
Police said Kent M. Fink of Tyrone was northbound when he lost control of his 1997 Dodge sedan due to excessive speed for the existing roadway conditions. Police said the vehicle traveled off the roadway and struck the west embankment then a utility pole.
After the vehicle came to rest, Fink fled the scene on foot, but was later found at his residence. He will be charged with leaving the scene of an accident, in addition to other summary vehicle code violations.
Fink was not injured, but his vehicle sustained moderate damage.

By Rick