Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

I’m very sorry this column did not appear last Friday as I was suffering from a Murphy’s Law day. As I do every morning at 5:30 AM I headed to my new radio station to produce news, sports and weather only to find that someone had broken off their key in the main door of the building where we house the station.
Not able to get in, I decided to head to Tyrone earlier then usual.
Wouldn’t you know it I blew out a tire before Ebensburg. It gets worse!
I couldn’t get the lug nuts to move even an inch. So I called Triple A and an hour later, the a mechanic arrived. He removed the lug nuts with my tire iron and changed the tire in less than five minutes.
What is wrong with me? I couldn’t believe how easy it was for him and that I lacked the strength to do this. I thanked him and made a comment of how much of a wimp I am.
When I was heavier, these things came easy to me. Losing 105 pounds has many advantages ranging from better health, mobility, etc. But it sure makes you feel like less of a man when you can’t even remove a tire. At least I can type, as we catch up this week.
Congratulations to both Tyrone Borough and the Tyrone Police Department and its union for settling on a new contract. Negotiations like this are never easy. And if the police department is satisfied, then we should be as well.
I enjoyed the April Foolishness novelty song radio show that aired on WTRN this past Tuesday. Bill Dann’s record collection is tremendous, and as I told him this morning on the phone, he should try and syndicate some of his ideas.
Why am I reading about an opening at the Tyrone YMCA everywhere but in The Daily Herald? We, of course, enjoy writing positive articles about the “Y” in our paper. But we do get a little bent out of shape when “help wanted” or other ads aren’t even considered for our newspaper. I think there are more than enough Daily Herald readers that are more than qualified for this position, who may never even know that its available.
Someone talked and it was written in the pages of our paper. Keep your eyes and ears on the name “Team Ten” and Westvaco.
The Tyrone Area Chamber of Commerce is very busy with three upcoming events. On April 17, its a Business After Hours event at the Tyrone YMCA, the Annual Dinner on Thursday, April 24th at the Tyrone Elks Club and the fourth annual Business Expo on Thursday, May 16th at The Bull Pen. Rose Black, Linda Hershey, Jim Phillips and all the chamber board members work very hard to bring all of these events together. Thanks for what you do in volunteering for the benefit of this community.
I was pleased with the response heard in our offices over the Tyrone Historical Pictorial that came out last Saturday. I really enjoyed learning all the history while we were putting it together. We will do more projects like this in future. You can take away a lot of things but you can never take away Tyrone’s history.
I think that maybe I was misunderstood two weeks ago concerning my opinions of Fox News and its coverage of the war in Iraq. When I said that I watch them from an entertainment point of view, I didn’t mean it as a compliment or that I am entertained by the war itself. This news gathering organization is a joke when it comes to verifying sources before releasing information and they love to exaggerate everything.
Case in point – the problems with Geraldo Rivera this week. Why put this idiot on the air at all?
Remember this is the guy that called Governor Schweiker “dude” during the miners rescue last summer in Somerset County.
Peter Arnett is a traitor and Geraldo isn’t that far behind him. I only watch Fox because it entertain me with its incredible misjudgment and handling of the news. Its ratings are through the roof, so I guess others think they same way that I do.
Thank you for expressing your opinions as well in our Letters to the Editor section in Saturdays’ paper.
There’s a rally to support the troops at Bellwood-Antis High School tonight at 6 pm. Let’s have a big turn out for the event in support of our military and the incredible job they are doing in Iraq and other parts of the world. God Bless them all!
Have a great weekend and thanks for reading. And don’t forget to set you clock ahead one hour on Sunday morning at 2 am.

By Rick