As technology continues to grow and grow, more and more school districts across the nation are catching on. It’s no different in the Bellwood-Antis School District.
Earlier this week, B-A school officials agreed that a data warehousing system is important in helping the district meet No Child Left Behind federal standards, as well as improve the education and curriculum of the students attending.
Next Tuesday, the board will vote to authorize the administration to enter into an agreement with eScholar for the purchase of a data warehouse in the amount of $31,540.
The purchase, if voted in favor of, will be funded by a $50,000 state demonstration grant.
According to Mike Lingenfelter, the district’s technology coordinator, the data warehouse will allow school officials to cross reference data and ask important questions that may improve the quality of education offered at Bellwood-Antis.
“This warehousing will allow us to target information from many separate systems,” said Lingenfelter. “We’ll be able to see what effective practices are in use now and what works. We’ll also be able to look at what we’re doing then ask all the important questions to improve on it.”
Lingenfelter used class size as an example. He said the district could use this new tool to assess class sizes in the district and compare student achievement within those classes.
“We’ll be able to use this tool as a very effective form of planning,” said Lingenfelter.
He said in the future, parents will be able to access the site through the Internet and find important statistical data, including testing scores not only in the district, but also statewide.
The $50,00 garnered from the state will be used as start-up money for the program.
Also at next Tuesday’s meeting, the board will recognize the District VI championship basketball team, middle school reading team, regional and state chorus participants, regional band participants and FFA Keystone Degree recipients.
Also during the work session, the board outlined a number of items that are scheduled to be voted on at next week’s meeting. These include:
• approving staff and volunteers for the upcoming Camp Blue Diamond environmental field trip;
•awarding the bid for the demolition of the Myers house, the Myers garage and the Beam house to Earthmovers Unlimited in the amount of $6,345;
•moving to approve the school calendar for the 2003-04 academic year as presented. The calendar has 177 student days, three Act 80 days and 184 teacher days;
•moving to approve the IU8’s general fund budget for the 2003-04 school year. The district’s share is $3,914.29, which is the same as the 2002-03 budget;
•moving to approve the agreement with IU8 for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for the 2002-03 school year in the amount of $127,836;
•moving to approve the Bellwood-Antis Community Library appropriation of $7,150 for the 2003-04 school year. This amount reflects an increase of $650 from last year’s appropriation of $6,500;
•moving to accept the resignation of William R. Boone for disability retirement effective March 25, 2003;
•moving to approve the following substitute van drivers: Susan Forshey, pending receipt of clearances; Elizabeth Walk, pending receipt of clearances; and Gladys Garman, who has clearances;
•moving to approve John Hayes, Bill Crowell and Randy Miller to attend the University of Kentucky Spring Practice Clinic in Lexington, Ky. from April 16-19 at a cost of $1,206.75;
•moving to approve Dick Bower, Diane Johnson, Bill Edmiston and nine students to attend the NCFL National Tournament in Arlington, VA from May 23-26 at a cost of $3,737.92;
•moving to approve Dick Bower and one student to attend the NFL Speech Nationals at Atlanta, GA from June 13-22 at a cost of $3,590.56;
•moving to approve Sonya Dearmitt as accompanist for the musical “The Sound of Music” at a stipend of $554.30 due to the resignation of Paula Pheasant.