Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The Bellwood-Antis Middle/High School isn’t letting the tragedy of September 11, 2002 pass by Wednesday without a memorial service, which will be officially one year after the terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington D.C. and the Flight 93 crash in Shanksville.
The B-A Middle/High School will begin their memorial for September 11 at 8:30 a.m., according to Principal Michael Sakash. “A program broadcast over the school’s television system will view our high school chorus presenting three patriotic songs, along with a reading by one of our students and a moment of silence.”
B-A Choral Director, Richard Bower, stated that the high school chorus will be performing ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ followed by ‘America The Beautiful’ and then a reading by B-A student Steve Crider. A moment of silence will be conducted and the chorus will end by singing ‘God Bless The U.S.A.’
Sakash stated that the memorial will last for about fifteen minutes. To remember this tragedy one year later throughout the school day at Bellwood-Antis, Sakash is encouraging all teachers and students to wear ‘red, white, and blue’ clothing to show each and everyone’s patriotism for the freedom each of us enjoys in our beloved United States of America.
The B-A chorus will continue remembering and celebrating this great country and the tragic attacks on our country on September 11 by participating, along with other local high schools, at the Hollidaysburg Legion Park for ceremonies beginning at 6:30 p.m. lasting until 8:30 p.m. At the ceremony in Hollidaysburg, the B-A chorus will perform ‘God Bless The U.S.A.’
Myers Elementary School in Bellwood is doing something new and different compared to their neighbor, B-A Middle/High School. The elementary school will participate in ‘red, white, and blue’ day, like the high school, for teachers and students to proudly wear their patriotic colors.
Principal of Myers Elementary, Terri Harpster, said that the total theme for Myers is to celebrate America, instead of focusing on the tragic happenings of September 11.
“We will not be watching television shows and broadcasts of the September 11 tragedy due to the age of the students,” said Harpster. “We want to leave that up to the parents on whether or not the parent wishes to allow their child to view the tragedies of September 11.”
Instead, Myers Elementary will be participating in a ‘connectiveness activity’ involving the young students. Each grade level has picked an American symbol for students to color and write about. These symbols and students’ writing will be connected all the way around the building to show the connectiveness of our country when a tragedy occurs.
Harpster said that most of the children’s symbols revolve around the United States flag, but second grade is utilizing the symbol ‘Uncle Sam.’
Teachers at Myers Elementary will be replacing their daily social studies lesson and instead teach something positive about our great country, America.
Wednesday September 11, 2002 appears to be a somber and joyous school day at the Bellwood-Antis Middle/High School and Myers Elementary. Memorials and celebrations such as this will be taking place all over the country, but it’s warming to see it happening so close to home.

By Rick